LocIndexer error

by: spiff, 8 years ago

Am really struggling here, and there doesn't seem to be a straight forward answer to this, so posting it here.

I have an excel sheet with Column A (Ccys) which has a list of ccy pairs and Column B (SpotLevel) which has numbers
Below is what my code reads as:

base_ccy_list = ['EUR','USD']
local_ccy_list = ['JPY]

wb = pd.read_excel('data.xlsx', 'Spots', header=0, index_col='Ccys',

spot_level = wb.loc[base_ccy_list[1] + local_ccy_list[0], 'SpotLevel']

This throws the error:
<pandas.core.indexing._LocIndexer at 0x88d68d0>


gives True

Here I have asked on stackoverflow: http://stackoverflow.com/q/38560748/6577574

And the answers are very roundabout, and so I prefer my method.. but I am making some basic data structures error here which am not able to solve... Pls help!

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Guess here is how I am getting around it:



EDIT - this doesn't work either.. throws TypeError: list indices must be integers, not list

apols for the spam, not sure how to delete the post!

-spiff 8 years ago
Last edited 8 years ago

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The error: TypeError: list indices must be integers, not list

Means you're attempting to reference an index, which must be an integer, but you're passing a list.

Are you familiar with what an index is? In this case, all of those [0] are valid inputs for an index, but all of them are also inputting into either iloc (an index), or in the wb.index...thus, one of those indexes is returning a list and isn't a valid index.

Try printing out  base_ccy_list[0], local_ccy_list[0], and np.where(wb.index==base_ccy_list[0]+local_ccy_list[0])[0]

See the output of all of those, one of those is probably a list. You may need to do something like base_ccy_list[0][0]...etc, depending on what the data actually looks like.

-Harrison 8 years ago

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